Monday, February 10, 2014

Will Senator Davis Stick to her Guns?

In a recent article from the Texas Tribune Sen. Wendy Davis raised some eyebrows by taking a very conservative stance on gun laws. In an interview with The Associated Press Sen. Davis said she would be in support of an open-carry handgun law, making it possible to carry a handgun without the need for concealment. This is in stark contrast to many of her Democratic peers who are strictly against any law of this kind. However, some are not convinced that this is any more than lip service to sway "on the fence" voters, as her voting history has been very strict on gun laws.  NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortenson went so far to say: "This is an election-year conversion for Wendy Davis. Voting records speak volumes. As a state legislator, Wendy earned an F-rating from the NRA by voting against the Second Amendment repeatedly, her about-face lacks credibility. Texans know that."  The only way to see her true thoughts on the matter will be if she is voted in as governor. If she does decide to stick to what she said, her most fierce opponent on the matter will be her fellow Democrats, and in Texas that could push even more people to voting Republican. Oh, the irony that would be. 

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