The argument seems to be that everyone will smoke a ton of weed, get in their car, and kill someone. The people that bring up this argument have obviously never known a "stoner". "Stoners" do not drive, they sit on their couch and eat snacks, when they do finally get into a car it is to go get more snacks after their "buzz" has worn off. Another argument is that marijuana is addictive and this is hilarious to me! The majority of people that I know have smoked pot at least once and not one has ever said that they can't get enough or just need a little more to get them through the day (Including regular smokers). As for marijuana being dangerous, it does contain THC, which affects the brain. However, if they are giving marijuana to cancer patients I have a hard time listening to an argument on how bad it is for you. Just like cigarettes, states can impose restrictions on the amount people can buy, as well as where it can be consumed.
I believe that the state of Texas could greatly benefit from legalizing marijuana. The first reason is the amount of tax revenue that could be created. Colorado expects to extract over $125,000,000 over the next fiscal year in sales tax alone, not including fees and licenses to grow and distribute cannabis. Texas could see four times as much money because of the population difference. That means Texas could potentially see nearly half of a billion dollars in tax money, from a plant.
Where could all of this money be spent? First, we could copy Colorado and help fund K-12 education as Texas is near the bottom of the country in all aspects of education. Also, Texas could reduce the high sales tax of 6.25% to around 4% and lower the maximum with local tax from 8.25% to 6.25%. On top of the increased tax revenue Texas would save around $20,000 a year for each inmate that is in jail for possession of marijuana. Obviously, some people would still be caught with marijuana outside of what the laws would allow, but the amount of people going to jail for marijuana related crimes would drop dramatically.
Finally, it is my belief that by legalizing marijuana Texas could concentrate on the drugs that are a real danger (i.e. heroine, cocaine, meth, LSD, etc). Texas could use a part of the revenue created to expand our drug enforcement agencies and give the Border Patrol the resources necessary to stop drugs from coming into the country. Also, I would like to think that people would turn to marijuana for a high because they would not run the risk of going to prison. (I probably have too much faith in people) No matter what happens people will always try to operate outside the law, but at least this way there would be a large task force to keep the really harmful drugs at a minimum.
I am sure that there are some health risks to marijuana, but tobacco and alcohol have risks as well. I know that passing a law legalizing marijuana would upset a great many people, but they don't have smoke or be around people that do. Everyone knows that legal marijuana is going to happen one day, so Texas should be progressive for once and take advantage of the benefits before the whole country jumps ahead of us. I really believe that legal weed would change Texas for the better. I feel strongly about the benefits without even liking to smoke weed, so if I can get on board with this I know there are plenty of other people who will be in favor of this more than myself.